Find your STRESS SCORE – simple way to calculate STRESS


Over the years all the events that occur in one’s life can affect the body due the stress associated with it. Serious illnesses like heart disease, high BP, diabetes and also mental disorders like depression or sleep depravity can be attributed to stress. You can actually measure the stressful things that people experience in their lives by looking at the life events.

Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale

Also known as the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) this method was developed in 1967 by a psychiatrist duo Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe. This scale consists of 43 stressful events of normal life and their respective score. In order to know your stress score just add up the number of “life changing units” if an event occurred during last one year. A score of more than 300 means that the individual is at risk for illness, a score between 150 and 299 means risk of illness is moderate, and a score of under 150 means that individual only has a slight risk of illness.

just add up the number of “life changing units” if an event occurred during last one year

Life eventLife change units
Death of a spouse100
Marital separation65
Death of a close family member63
Personal injury or illness53
Dismissal from work47
Marital reconciliation45
Change in health of family member44
Sexual difficulties39
Gain a new family member39
Business readjustment39
Change in financial state38
Death of a close friend37
Change to different line of work36
Change in frequency of arguments35
Major mortgage32
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan30
Change in responsibilities at work29
Child leaving home29
Trouble with in-laws29
Outstanding personal achievement28
Spouse starts or stops work26
Beginning or end school26
Change in living conditions25
Revision of personal habits24
Trouble with boss23
Change in working hours or conditions20
Change in residence20
Change in schools20
Change in recreation19
Change in church activities19
Change in social activities18
Minor mortgage or loan17
Change in sleeping habits16
Change in number of family reunions15
Change in eating habits15
Major Holiday12
Minor violation of law11

Score of 300+: At risk of illness.
Score of 150-299: Risk of illness is moderate (reduced by 30% from the above risk).
Score < 150: Only have a slight risk of illness.